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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Parenting 101 01 01

In this day and age things are  moving so fast it tends to boggle the mind. Was it this way when I was younger, maybe just in a different manner. This here is an observation and maybe an opinion, no instructions on how to do anything. That is my disclaimer to the fact that I am in no way telling you how to raise your children. We as parents brag, and think that our child or children are the best , as it should be. I do think that political correctness has lowered our children's tolerance to handle difficult situations. This sometime give them a false sense that everyone should be equal in all ways.Now I am going to disagree on this because it fails to allow our children to learn and how to deal with failure or loss. This is allows them to get a false sense of comfort that someone will always pick them up and fix the problem for them. Then when they become adults in the    " Real World" and they aren't prepared on how to deal with these issues that they will face.Could this  be why we are having so many problems with people doing all these crazy things? I don't know that is just a random thought. I have a freshman in high-school this year and that in its self is an adventure. She has so many things going on I feel like I should hire a personal assistant just to keep up with it all. Now all parents want better than what they had  for their children. To get a great reward you have to work hard or sacrifice something in order to obtain it. So here is the question that I have been pondering. Should we as parents push, guide, or gentle nudge our children in a certain direction or should we allow them to walk their own path??? I know that I myself kinda do both, but with the stipulation that i give is if you start cause you want to do that you have to finish. Are there exceptions to this, Absolutely. Since my daughter is now in high school I feel it is my obligation to present as many opportunities  to her as I possible can. Now is this the right thing to do I don't know ,I guess I will have to find out. Lastly I just want everyone to know everything my daughter has done has made  me very and proud of her. It is hard because I want her to enjoy her child hood ,but at the same time I feel the need to get her prepared for the future. I am going to keep going the way I am and pray that I am doing the right thing. Life moves way to fast sometime we need to , stop and take a breath. I wish the best for everyone and hope that even if life knocks you down that you get back up and keep moving forward.

Have a great one ,


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