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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Parenting 101 01 01

In this day and age things are  moving so fast it tends to boggle the mind. Was it this way when I was younger, maybe just in a different manner. This here is an observation and maybe an opinion, no instructions on how to do anything. That is my disclaimer to the fact that I am in no way telling you how to raise your children. We as parents brag, and think that our child or children are the best , as it should be. I do think that political correctness has lowered our children's tolerance to handle difficult situations. This sometime give them a false sense that everyone should be equal in all ways.Now I am going to disagree on this because it fails to allow our children to learn and how to deal with failure or loss. This is allows them to get a false sense of comfort that someone will always pick them up and fix the problem for them. Then when they become adults in the    " Real World" and they aren't prepared on how to deal with these issues that they will face.Could this  be why we are having so many problems with people doing all these crazy things? I don't know that is just a random thought. I have a freshman in high-school this year and that in its self is an adventure. She has so many things going on I feel like I should hire a personal assistant just to keep up with it all. Now all parents want better than what they had  for their children. To get a great reward you have to work hard or sacrifice something in order to obtain it. So here is the question that I have been pondering. Should we as parents push, guide, or gentle nudge our children in a certain direction or should we allow them to walk their own path??? I know that I myself kinda do both, but with the stipulation that i give is if you start cause you want to do that you have to finish. Are there exceptions to this, Absolutely. Since my daughter is now in high school I feel it is my obligation to present as many opportunities  to her as I possible can. Now is this the right thing to do I don't know ,I guess I will have to find out. Lastly I just want everyone to know everything my daughter has done has made  me very and proud of her. It is hard because I want her to enjoy her child hood ,but at the same time I feel the need to get her prepared for the future. I am going to keep going the way I am and pray that I am doing the right thing. Life moves way to fast sometime we need to , stop and take a breath. I wish the best for everyone and hope that even if life knocks you down that you get back up and keep moving forward.

Have a great one ,


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lions, Tigers, and School OH My

Well here where we are at kids have been in school about a month. It is just amazing to see the fact of how fast my baby girl is growing. I can remember the days when she was learning to read, having to sound the words out and all. Now she finishes a whole book set in less than a week, mind you all of these books are 500 pages plus. BANG mind blowing, I am totally amazed. She is in 7th grade and reading high school level books. I have to say that at this point she is going surpass me in knowledge before she graduates High School. Well maybe not that , but she is certainly gonna be a extremely intelligent young lady. Whats even more amazing is even though she my not have the sport aptitude, she is currently in student council for the 2nd year and going out for Vice President. No matter the out come , if she gets elected or not she will represent that school with all her heart. She is an amazing person who can make friends no matter where she is, or where she goes. I have honestly lost count of the people that she has introduced me this year alone. Again school has only been in about a month. All of our children have such great potential , some just don't know it yet. We as parents must allow them to have just enough freedom to figure this out with the right amount of guidance and encouragement for them reach their full potential. I look at my daughters  friends and I see amazing children, some are following a different path than others , and that is OK. My daughter is what you would consider a Nerd or a Geek. It's funny to hear someone call her that , she actually thanks them. Cause I explained to her that it isn't a bad thing to be smart, in most cases the people making fun of her will end up working for her later in life.  You might wanna think about that, who do you think made all the fun stuff you play on or check your Facebook... Yep that's right nerds and geeks. If that isn't enough think about it next time your at the Dr.... Hello these people aren't stupid. I am not putting down any athletes at all , some of the great athletes are very well educated and are extremely smart. It's like one of my professors told a class in college once." I have no problem if you choose to do the work or not it's your money, besides that the world always needs Burger Flipper and Cashiers".  I took that as it is your choice to be what you want to be, I don't believe he was putting these jobs or people who work them down.  I believe he was just saying , if you want it you have to work for it. Hell I am rambling again, so it is time for me to go.  Well until next time.....

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease

Monday, August 12, 2013

Guns, Guns, And Guns

I will start this off with the disclaimer that I understand everyone has there opinion on this and that is fine, This is just the way that I see things in my perspective. First off for all of those of you that are FOR gun control you should realize that our country, liberty's, and rights are defended buy responsible people with guns. Not only that but every politician that is trying to take away the right to own or limit the right to own guns are protected by people with guns. Now there have been some very tragic events happen that make you wonder if we need to make stiffer or more strict gun control laws. Well just so you know better than 3/4 of all crimes that were committed was done by someone who did not obtain the guns they used legally or could not obtain them legally, so gun laws would not have prevented them form carrying out their cowardly attacks.  But wait Bryon then went in to a school and targeted children, or went into a church and shot these poor people. Well that's because in most states these are gun-free zone and it is illegal to have them on the grounds. Well look people the hard reality to this is that is why they pick these places. There is no one to stand against them or stop them. The fact is we have better than 8 million legal gun owners right now, and notice I did say LEGAL. Not all of these people own guns for the same reasons, some own them to hunt, others own them for sport, and then people own them to protect there family. Dialing 911 only takes a few seconds, but what about that gap between the call and when the police get there?? A lot can happen in a matter of minutes. This is an argument that can branch out in to so many areas that you can literally spend a week talking or debating about it. I myself have guns for two reasons, 1, to protect my family, and 2 I like to take my daughter shooting. I did have my daughter take a hunters and gun safety course before I put guns into my house. Which if our school can teach sex education , why cant they teach  gun safety also??  In history there have been leaders and governments that took away the rights of their citizens to own guns, and more often then not this ended with a dictatorship that was followed by horrific events that can not be overlooked. If you need an example Hitler did this, Sudam Husian  also did this. Look what they did to there people. Our forefathers put the constitution together for us. This isn't just about the second amendment its about them all. Once we allow them to take one thing away what is there to prevent them from taking everything away. The people who sat down on July 4th 1776  and signed our Deceleration Of Independence knew this. I will stop here and leave you with 2 quotes from a great man in history Thomas Jefferson.  "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." and "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

peace,love, and chicken grease


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Life is Life

Well with current change in environment thing always seem to cross my mind. I hear everything people say about me and use that to evaluate myself from time to time to see if  I can improve my overall person. Now some of this stuff is just me , it will never change. I am me I change for one person and one person only...ME. The thing is I have made minor and major changes due to my life priorities have changed . I did these in order to live a better life, but they were by my choice. We all have a choice to change or  not to change . We live in a world that is uncertain and very confusing. The whole thing is so confusing that it is hard to keep up with. I sound like and old fart now, but hey its not like I am up on all the cool lingo. We have problem in our society now a days sending our younger generations mixed signals on what is right and what is wrong.  There is too many gray areas to deal with, in my opinion the guy who came up with political correctness should be slapped with a book. To many of our younger generation feel like they are entitled to stuff , the core values are flying out the window. And the problem is a simple one, it is us the parents. Now I know that some people will or will not agree with this , and that's ok but its a fact. We haven't taught our children the value of earning thing and how to appreciate the value. Most of us are guilty of this in one way or another, I am I cant deny it. The environment has changed also, it use to be one parent could support the whole family on that income. Now you would be lucky if you can do it on two.  All we try can do is to try our best , teach our children what we believe is the right way and hopefully it will work out. This is a hard thing for a parent to sit and think about, because it scares me to death. With the way our world is now I worry about what the future holds for my daughter. I will continue to do the very best I can, and improve on stuff where I can and when I can. In other words Welcome to Life....

Until Next Time

Peace,Love and Chicken Grease

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Indiana Expedition

Captains Log  692013

This morning I woke up to see that do to unforeseen forces the weather is still very cold, colder than my current home of Tn. And due to some ominous forces in the background of this culture fuel here has become extremely high in cost. Even with intense investigation with the locals there is no true rhyme nor reason for this only speculation as to who or what caused this hardship on the surrounding indigenous population. I have  taken a few excursions with my brother who is a local here where we were born and raised. It is very hard to describe the feeling I get coming back here to see the changes that have happened over the course of my time of being away. I can say I do find comfort in the fact I still have some great friends that are in the area. At some point I intend to see if it may be possible to meet with some of them and see about there well being. The time for festivity's are starting to approach us, so this may present an opportunity to allow me to meet up with some. Contact with my home world has been brief, due to the fact that they are on a different time cycle. I will attempt to get in contact with some of my fellow Tennesseans in the near future. My daughter is adapting, well OK. See enjoys seeing the friends and family but She has also shown signs of missing her friends. I guess its a good thing she has her portable communicator to be able to stay in contact with them. Seeing my nephew and niece is always and exciting time, they are growing up so fast it is hard for me to keep up. My Mother and Father are doing well, and My Brother and Sister-in-law (or really just Sister) are doing well also. The atmosphere here is playing havoc with my Ménière's disease,but that is OK I will adjust the best that I can.  I will be exploring more in the up coming weeks on my expedition here to see what other interesting things I can find,if any. As my home world the ammo situation is very dire here, but I will keep exploring to see if I might be able to establish a source to acquire some. Some of the native have not taken kindly to me as of late, but I am hoping that will change in the during the rest of my expedition. I will update as best as I possibly can with any breaking news that is important. Tell then.....

Peace, Love, And Chicken Grease

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Well First off I would like to send out prayers to all the families and victims in Oklahoma. You never know when tragedy will hit. I wish you all the best in your recovery from the events that have happened over the last few days. Ok on to the my post here, you know I have a million things that I could talk about or write. The thing is knowing when to put them out there, timing is everything. I could literally write on this everyday if I wanted to. Then I think that people would get bored with what I am writing about. I have many thing that I am passionate about. One of the most important things that I hold very close and sacred to me is my family. Now well all have our defined answers to what Family is. I have to say I have family that I am not even related to. I have a group here in TN that treat me as if I was one of the family and my daughter looks up to them and loves them all. I love this because the bond is so much better that even when we are mad at each other we are still family. I have my biological family in IN, I love them unconditionally. They would do anything in their possible means for me, and I know this. I have my adopted brothers that are scattered over several states. I keep in touch as best as possible, to keep up on their lives. The thing is Blood doesn't alway make you family, the bond between you does. Are you willing to stand up for these people when they need you the most. I have become friends with a lot of people in my life time and each and ever one of them brings  something unique to the table. I really don't think you can ever have to many friends.. But one thing is for sure if your family I will bend over back for you when you need me. My father told once, well maybe more than once. "You Always Take Care Of The Ones That Take Care Of You" and I try my hardest. Well folks I outta here for now.. Be safe and Be smart.

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Bullying , this right here sparks many thoughts and emotions in people. The fact is that better than 95% of all people has had to deal with this issue at one point or another.  So what do we do? How do we handle this problem? I am not going to say it has gotten worse since I was in school , but I will say that the methods of bullying have change very much. There are many places,clubs, and organizations out there to try to address this and help our young people. But the same problem still stands today as it did when I was a kid. Kids are just too afraid of backlash and ridicule from there peers if they report this. One of the worst labels that you can get in school is a snitch. So this creates a problem, if we as parents,teacher, and friends don't know about the problem we cant help. Even if we do our children beg us not to say anything because of  the fear of backlash. Now as most of you know that read my blog I always have an opinion on things all the time. Right or wrong in a sense I think that with our society now a days children feel entitled. With that said and all the political correctness that is swirling around , most children haven't been taught to have what i call thick skin.  Now I am not down playing bullying by no means, but let face the facts here people kids are mean to each other for what ever reason. There is a line that shouldn't be crossed and once it is then we should constitute that as bullying. Other wise our kids need to suck it up and learn to deal with it. I know this sound harsh , but think of the logic behind it. When they get out of school and college if choose to go they are going to be entering the REAL WORLD. It is not a nice place out there , and painting the picture of that to our children is hurting them and setting them up for a rude awakening in the future. I have had some bosses that were way more abusive verbally and mentally than any bully i met in school. The fact is you will never be able to stop this completely. What we can do is teach our children to stand up for themselves build their self esteem  and learn the right way to handle these situations. A child should never feel that suicide is their last option to stop  what is happening to them. We as parents and people of the community need to stop our busy lives and listen. Once again if you don't know there is a problem you cant fix it. Ask questions and watch what is going on in you childrens lives and if you see something that doesn't feel right about one of their friends ask them, or inform the parents so they know to watch or ask. Now  a lot of the parents that I know have teens or pre-teens and it is like trying to wrestle food out of a gators mouth to get them to open up because they are embarrassed or afraid of what will happen.  We need to let our kids know we have their backs when shit hits the fan. Empower them with the knowledge that they are capable of letting things go and dealing with these bullys , have thick skin. We as parents have many  option to explore when situations get to a point that it needs to be handle by us, and we need to not be afraid to use them. I love my daughter and if you know how I feel about her you also know I would go through hell and high water for her. But I am also teaching her to try to handle and resolve problems on her own. Boy or Girl now is the time to teach our kids to have a backbone, other wise when the become adult they will get walked all over in life. I apologize if anything I said offended anyone ,but once again it is my opinion

Peace,Love, And Chicken Grease